Let’s Get Ready for Camp!

Welcome to the Marshmallows & Making Friends Nutrition Program!

The luxury of being a camper can truly be one of the most carefree and enjoyable experiences in a child’s life. Freed from academic pressures and the constant pull of technology, campers are encouraged to immerse themselves fully in the pursuit of fun and adventure! Whether it’s conquering fears by leaping off a diving board or soaring through the trees on a zip line, camp offers a safe environment for kids to embrace challenges and create lasting memories and lifelong friendships.

But sometimes, food and nutrition can be a struggle.

“What will the kids eat?”

“Will they make good choices?” 

“What if they aren’t able to find the foods they like?”

“Are their counselors going to help or hurt?”

Parents and counselors often take on the role of superheroes.

They effortlessly juggling multiple responsibilities and anticipating every need.

But individuals bring their own unique set of beliefs and experiences when it comes to food and nutrition.

These personal histories shape how they approach discussions about food, bodies, and eating behaviors.

Summer nutrition at the lake
Summer camp nutrition

Marshmallows & Making Friends (M&M)

Introducing M&M: Marshmallows & Making Friends, a specialized Summer Nutrition Training Program for Directors.

Our aim is to bring evidence-based nutrition knowledge to your camp community.

Through interactive workshops and resources, we promote balanced eating habits and body positivity.

By empowering staff and parents with the tools and confidence to navigate food conversations sensitively, M&M fosters a healthy and positive food culture!


Explore how the Marshmallows & Make Friends Nutrition Program can help foster a healthy food environment in your camp community. Designed for staff and parents, this summer nutrition training offers valuable insights and tools for promoting competent eating habits and body positivity. Learn more today.

Nutrition Training for Sumer Camp Directors is for you if…

You're passionate about creating a positive food environment.

You're eager to promote balanced nutrition and support campers' well-being without an emphasis on weight and body size.

You want to bring on a masters level nutrition professional with experience working with corporations and parents.

What to Expect for Summer!

If you believe in the power of teamwork and collaboration, this training offers an opportunity to connect with fellow parents and/or staff members who share your passion for nurturing a positive food culture in the camp setting.


1. Engaging Workshops: Participate in interactive workshops led by Marissa Beck, MS, RDN, where you’ll explore topics such as how to navigate language about nutrition, body weight and food culture.

2. Practical Resources: Gain access to materials that you can implement immediately within your camp community to support campers’ nutritional needs and well-being.

3. Collaborative Discussions: Engage in collaborative discussions with fellow parents and staff members, sharing insights, experiences, and best practices for promoting healthy eating behaviors and positive food relationships.

4. Personal Growth: Experience personal growth as you deepen your understanding of eating behavior and its impact on campers’ physical and emotional health, equipping you with valuable skills and knowledge for years to come!

Kayaks and Summer Nutrition

How It Works

Get expert, evidence-based support.

1. Free Discovery Consultation (30 minutes)

Schedule a free discovery call to discuss your needs. We’ll cover your pain points and what you are craving beyond Marshmallows & Making Friends 🙂

2. Select your package 

Enjoy a customized package, see ideas below!

3. Ongoing Support!

Keep the workshop materials, including worksheets and presentation decks, for future reference. Let’s keep in touch.

Pricing & Benefits


What topics are covered in the workshops?

Workshops cover a range of topics, including healthy messages about food, weight, shape and size, and navigating food-related challenges.

Is the program customizable to our camp's specific needs?

Yes, the program can be customized to address the unique needs and challenges of your camp community. I work closely with you to tailor the content and delivery to meet your objectives.

What resources are provided?
Participants receive materials to support their learning and implementation of nutrition strategies within the camp setting. These may include worksheets, presentation decks, and additional educational materials.
Can we book you nationwide?

Yup! The benefits of the virtual nutrition coaching world for groups is that you can book me to “visit” your group remotely. 

What are the benefits of participating in the program?

Participants gain valuable insights and skills for promoting a positive food environment, fostering healthy eating habits, and supporting campers’ overall well-being. Additionally, the program facilitates collaboration and networking among camp staff and parents who share a common goal of nurturing a healthy camp community.

How do I sign up or get more information?

To sign up or learn more about the Marshmallows & Make Friends Nutrition Program, please contact us directly through our website contact form or by starting the discovery call process here. I am here to answer any questions you may have and guide you through the registration process.

How can we measure the effectiveness of the program?

We will gather pre and post surveys of the program’s impact on parents and staff’s attitudes towards food and nutrition so that we can evaluate and observe how they were able to navigate challenging situations.

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