Virtual Nutrition counseling

Love Food, Live Well

Stress Less

Marissa Beck, RDN

Marissa Beck, MS, RDN, Founder, is an award-winning dietitian and nutrition counselor since 2010.

As Seen At:

Brightly colored citrus fruit with rosemary

Ready to CRUSH your food and body struggles for good? 

Imagine if REVV Health had been around when we were kids…

  • We could have learned to navigate diet culture with confidence.
  • We would have embraced the idea that all bodies are good bodies.
  • We wouldn’t have fallen for the “no pain, no gain” exercise mentality.
  • We would have prioritized balance over perfection.

You deserve to eat well, live fully, and move joyfully—without the stress of an all-or-nothing mindset.  90’s dieting? Bye bye bye.

You deserve a lifestyle that fits you—no extremes, no one-size-fits-all solutions.

I’m here to help you:

  • Love Food: discover diverse flavors and enjoy eating without guilt
  • Live Well: build sustainable, healthy habits that enhance your well-being
  • Stress Less: break free from the dieting cycle and find peace with food

Virtual Nutrition Counseling

How to Work Together

Non-Diet Nutrition Therapy

No matter what challenges you are facing, we prioritize your individual needs and work collaboratively to develop sustainable, personalized non-diet strategies that promote a positive relationship with food and your body. Explore the specific conditions I address and how my approach can help you.

Pediatric & Family Nutrition

I support parents in nurturing their children to become competent, intuitive eaters from an early age, helping kids develop a positive relationship with food. My approach fosters a family environment where mealtime is a source of joy and connection, promoting lifelong well-being for both parents and children.

Corporate Nutrition

Elevate health and wellness in your community, school, or workplace with a diverse range of services.  REVV Health offers speaking engagements, programs, group workshops, and educational content to promote healthier living without the influence of diet culture. 


To help you invest in yourself and loved ones so that you can create a healthier and happier relationship with food for life.

Hi, Im Marissa!

What To Expect?

When was the last time you felt truly exhilarated about something? How did it make you feel? My goal is to channel that incredible energy and passion, which already resides within you, into the realm of nutrition.

Short-term benefits

I take people’s health personally and treat their problems like they are my own. I can problem-solve for nearly any nutrition goal and you will walk away having a practical, doable plan-of-action whether you meet with me once or for years. 

Long-term benefits

You will feel empowered about your health. You will become a competent eater. You will build a strong relationship with someone who really cares about your success. Nutrition is the vehicle in which I help uplift others and help change people’s lives.

What people are saying

“Marissa is one of the most positive, uplifting people I have ever met. She is helping me change my relationship with food, and it’s really changed my outlook not only on diet, but on how I approach everyday struggles. She’s taught me to celebrate the little victories and that small changes go a long way. I would highly recommend Marissa’s services to anyone who is looking to make a positive change to their eating habits and overall well being.”
Nicole M.

“I want to message you personally to say thank you so much for all you’ve done. When I started nutrition counseling with you, I was at a time where I was so unhappy with my body and dissatisfied with how I felt. Through education, warmth, and good humor, you helped me create a healthier relationship with food and with myself, and even inspired me to maybe pursue nutrition as a career option in my future! All that is to say, please never underestimate the importance of your work.”
— Lizzi B.

“Thank you for giving me the confidence, Marissa, that I need to remember who I am and to keep going with this. I really appreciate our time together and work.”
— Justin P.

Ready for virtual nutrition counseling?

Lets talk!

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