Speaking & Group Programs

Empower your people with tailored talks, programs and more!

Ready to Help Your Community Thrive? 

Imagine a community where individuals feel more energized, focused, and happier in their daily lives—whether at work, school, or home.

At REVV Health, we’re dedicated to creating environments where real, sustainable wellness takes center stage.

My Community Nutrition Programs are designed to inspire and support your members in embracing healthier habits.

Are you ready to make nutrition and well-being something your community loves and looks forward to every day?

How do you want your people to show up?

Are your groups feeling…

  • Disconnected and Overwhelmed: Are your community members feeling overwhelmed by conflicting nutrition information and struggling to maintain a healthy lifestyle?
  • Lack of Engagement: Traditional wellness programs often fail to engage and resonate with diverse groups, leaving many without the support they need.
  • One-Size-Fits-All Solutions: Generic health initiatives don’t address the unique needs of your community, leading to low participation and minimal impact.
  • Chronic Health Issues: Poor dietary habits and lack of nutrition education contribute to rising rates of chronic diseases within your community.

Ready to Elevate Your Community’s Health?

If you’re ready to make a lasting impact on the health and well-being of your community, let’s work together. Contact us today to learn more about how our Community Nutrition Programs can be tailored to your needs.

Who We Serve 

Our Community Nutrition Programs are ideal for:

  • Schools and Universities: Equip students with the knowledge to make healthier choices.
  • Local Organizations: Support your members with engaging, hands-on nutrition education.
  • Healthcare Facilities: Complement patient care with practical, community-focused nutrition solutions.
  • Non-Profit Organizations: Drive meaningful change with accessible and inclusive health programs.

Whether through interactive workshops, engaging speaking events, or hands-on health fairs, we provide the tools and support needed to foster a thriving, health-conscious environment.  

REVV Health is transforming communities into environments where people (employees, parents, students) thrive, feeling energized and nourished in their daily routines.

Why Revv Health?

I have been a corporate wellness dietitian for the biggest names in tech, which has exposed me to how and why people make decisions about food — especially under duress.

Empower Your Community

In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can feel like a daunting task. Between conflicting nutrition advice and busy schedules, many people struggle to find a balance that works for them.

That’s where our Community Nutrition Programs come in.

Make it Fit for You

I understand that each community is unique with its own culture, its own set of challenges and goals. My programs are not one-size-fits-all; they’re designed to meet the specific needs of your group, offering a range of services that can be customized to fit your community’s culture, interests, and health objectives.

“Marissa, thank you for all the guidance, encouragement, cooking and health resources, and so much more! A special thanks for joining many of our district conference calls and speaking on a variety of subjects and answering our questions.”

Rita W.

Sales Team, Nintendo

Nutrition education

When you work with REVV Health, you are working with me, and if I customize incentive programs, I hire a team fit for purpose.

Community Nutrition Programs

Our Offerings online & onsite

1. Engaging Speaking Engagements
Inspire and motivate your community with talks that are not only informative but also evidenced-based, relatable and actionable. I cover a range of topics, from intuitive eating to chronic disease prevention, always with a focus on practical, real-life applications.

2. Interactive Health Fairs
Turn nutrition education into a hands-on experience. Health fairs are designed to be interactive, fun, and packed with valuable information that your community can apply immediately.

3. Group Workshops & Lunch ’n Learns
Get your community talking—and learning—about nutrition in a relaxed, supportive setting. Workshops and Lunch ’n Learns are perfect for groups looking to deepen their understanding of nutrition and wellness.

4. Custom Incentive Programs
Encourage healthy habits with tailored incentive programs that reward positive change. Whether it’s a team challenge or an individual goal, we’ll create a program that motivates and excites your community.

5. Community-Wide Challenges
Build camaraderie and promote health with engaging team challenges. From fitness goals to healthy eating plans, our challenges bring people together in the pursuit of better health.

6. School Nutrition Series
Empower students ages pre-K through college with the knowledge and skills to love food, eat well and stress less! Our School Nutrition Series offers interactive and engaging programs designed to teach kids about balanced nutrition through a non-diet lens, which means that we never food-shame, and always make it fun, engaging and educational. Check out how we teach nutrition to Kindergarteners: spoiler alert, it isn’t about nutrients and healthy-eating.

Select topics for speaking engagements

community nutrition programs
Managing Chronic Disease with Nutrition
  • Understanding Heart disease
    • Hypertension (high blood pressure) 
    • Hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol) 
  • Understanding Blood Glucose
    • Managing Pre-diabetes and Type-2 Diabetes  
    • Understanding metabolic syndrome  
  • Specific Dietary Approaches
    • Plant-based Meals
    • Anti-inflammatory Lifestyle 
    • Mediterranean Lifestyle 
Adopting a Mindful Method of Eating
  • The 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating and How to Apply it at Work 
Specific Condition-Focused Content
  • Bone Health 
  • Cancer
  • Gut Health
Department-Focused Content
  • On-the go nutrition (great for salesforce–and for everyone)
  • Food for Focus (great for employees who need uninterrupted periods of time to code or write)
Re-engineering Food Environment
  • Research On How Food Environment Impacts Dietary Choices
  • Navigating the Workplace Food Environment for Success
Performance Based Nutrition
  • Sports Nutrition for the Corporate Athlete
  • Improve Productivity and Eliminate Brain Fog
Nutrition Foundations
  • What Are the Macronutrients?
  • All about Added Sugar  
  • All about Alcohol  
  • All about Fiber
Seasonal-Based Content
  • How to Eat Well during Deadlines
  • How to Enjoy the Holidays Joyfully & Healthfully 
  • Supporting Immunity During Flu Season
  • Saving Money with Sustainable Food Practices
  • To Eat Organically?
  • Back to School Nutrition

“Marissa, you’ve been a huge source of information, support, and inspiration for me and so many others trying to take better care of our health. Thanks for everything you do!” – Mariana D.

“Marissa is one of the most engaging and dynamic presenters I have ever listened to. I find her really relatable and the information is easy to understand even though it seems like it is complex. Highly recommend her stuff!” — Ben R.

“Marissa’s expertise helps organizations foster a culture of well-being, empowering employees to make healthier choices and experience increased vitality in their work and personal lives.” — Tracy C

Community Nutrition Program Pricing Details

My rate is $200 per hour, with services starting at $400. A minimum of 3 billable hours is required for your event. A $400 strategy session fee acts as a non-refundable deposit to secure your date and will be credited toward the total cost of your service. In certain cases, I can work with your budget, should cost be a barrier, please see the FAQ.


You can book a 60-minute virtual strategy call ($400) which goes toward the cost of your desired services. We will identify a plan that is customized to fit the nutrition needs of your organization, as well as schedule the date(s) of service. If customizing an incentive to improve engagement, we will also decide on your ideal prevention or intervention program. 


If your organization desires further information, you are welcome to schedule a 30-minute discovery call. Upon booking you will be prompted to complete an inquiry form. During this call, I answer any questions and provide more detail regarding my nutrition services. There is no obligation and scheduling is simple.


Can we see some video samples?

Yes! Simply fill out the inquiry form and you will receive a sample of my portfolio. 

Is there an age requirement for speaking engagements?

No!  While I mainly present to adults, I develop talks for ALL ages and stages. I’ve had workshops for parents with their newborns in arm and administered nutrition lessons to elementary aged children.  I am happy to customize my speaking engagements, and make it age appropriate for anyone who wants to participate. 

Can you work with organizations not in WA State?


Can you come in person?

Absolutely, I love speaking in person! Please note that a commute fee may apply based on the location of your event. Let’s discuss the details to ensure everything is set for a fantastic experience!

What if cost is a barrier?

I understand that budget considerations are important. Depending on the nature of your event, I may offer pro bono or discounted services, especially if there’s potential for future collaboration or client referrals. We can discuss your needs to find a solution that works for both of us.

Do you help market the event?

Yes, I create marketing collateral to help promote your event effectively. From promotional materials to engaging content, I’m here to support your efforts and ensure your event reaches its full potential. Let’s discuss how we can collaborate to make your event a success!


Do you have a nondiscrimination policy?

Revv Health is an equal opportunity employer.  I am committed to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment to all clients and support staff working with us at Revv Health.  Revv Health does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, age, height, weight, physical or mental ability, veteran status, military obligations, and marital status. If you have questions regarding my nondiscrimination policy, please contact me.

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