
Join the REVVolution.

A weekly(ish) “digest” to help you stop stressing about food and start eating with intuition.

How to Effectively Teach Nutrition to Elementary Students

How to Effectively Teach Nutrition to Elementary Students

How do you teach nutrition to elementary students? Hint: you don’t! Yes – I am a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN), nutrition educator and mom, and I do NOT teach young kids about nutrition (i.e., protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, minerals, healthy/unhealthy). Then what on earth do I teach?

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Goody Bag Treats: Happily Offer Your Kids More

Goody Bag Treats: Happily Offer Your Kids More

Give my kids MORE treats? Are you out of your mind, offer a goody bag with candy after all that cake? If you would prefer to watch this content versus read, please check out the video here. To note: this blog post has “extra goodies” at the end.

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Can All Foods Fit? 5 Practical Ways to Apply This Concept

Can All Foods Fit? 5 Practical Ways to Apply This Concept

Are you someone who tends to create lists of “good” versus “bad” foods? Do you feel guilt or shame when you are unable to only eat foods from your “good” list? Have you ever heard about the “all foods fit” idea but don’t exactly understand what this means? Read on to learn what it is and how to apply it in your life and that of your children’s.

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3 Tips: How to Indulge Like a Pro on Vacation

3 Tips: How to Indulge Like a Pro on Vacation

I am the first one to say it isn’t a vacation without a little indulging (or a lot of it!) But what if you wanted to make sure all of your hard efforts weren’t for nothing when sipping margaritas by the pool? Here is my ‘how-to indulge like a pro’ guide.

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